
High-tech and innovation

Technological areas

Public lighting

Public lighting is one of the most important services that cities can offer to their residents. Thanks to LED technology, a great change is being made worldwide in terms of energy efficiency, which allows significant savings for cities to be allocated to other areas of utmost importance for the population.

Solar lighting

Photovoltaic lighting is the combination of photovoltaic power generation technologies, energy storage, and LED lighting all in one. If LED lighting has been a paradigm shift in public lighting, photovoltaic lighting is laying the foundations for the next revolution.


Energy storage

So electric systems powered by clean energies can work their best, and to reach a level of sustainability in accordance with the new environmentally responsible models within the framework of the Smart City philosophy, it is necessary to implement the most sustainable energy storage systems available on the market.

Photovoltaic energy

Solar photovoltaic energy is one of the fastest growing renewable energy sectors due to its versatility, its decreasing costs, its easy accessibility, and its regard for the environment. In addition to being renewable, it is unlimited and does not pollute.

Smart buildings

Smart buildings are hyper-connected constructions designed to make full use of resources. From their design to their functionality, they are defined by energy efficiency and space optimization.


La tecnología ha derivado en la reducción de emisiones gracias a la descarbonización y a la sustitución progresiva de los combustibles fósiles. También se han visto reducidas la contaminación acústica y las emisiones de calor ya que ahora es posible controlar y prevenir los embotellamientos en el tráfico de muchas ciudades gracias a la conectividad.

Smart cities

Smart cities are those urban environments where new technologies are used as a tool to optimize the use of resources, make processes more efficient, create greater sustainability, with the goal of improving people's lives.

Internet of Things

El gran logro de esta tecnología ha sido el control autónomo de diferentes tecnologías y equipos, así como el intercambio de datos en Bempo real por internet mediante el uso de sensores. Esto permite monitorear de forma remota procesos industriales, hacer mantenimientos o consultar datos de un edificio, un hogar o un establecimiento.



Cities are one of the most important areas for humanity, as more than half of the world's population lives in them, and it is estimated that in the coming years this could reach one third. This trend will be increasing in the coming decades.


The importance of roads in our civilization is vital as they allow us to move people and goods from one place to another. This, in an interconnected world such as the one we live in, is essential, whether from a global or local point of view. Roads are the main communication channels and building them is a major effort in terms of resources at all levels.

Remote areas

In many countries there are still certain areas that, due to their geographical location, have an added difficulty for the subsistence of the people who live there. Mountainous, jungle, desert areas, or simply a great distance from towns, often find it difficult to access energy to cover their most basic and not so basic needs.


NextCity Labs aporta también soluciones energéticas a industria y comercio, dándoles la oportunidad de ahorrar en costos y aumentar su seguridad con una completa disponibilidad de energía, tan importante para desarrollar sus actividades de manera satisfactoria.


Self-consumption marks a fundamental change in the traditional way of looking at energy, moving from a centralized system to a completely decentralized system, where it is not dependent on the grid, but at the same time each agent can become an issuer/seller of energy.


The residential sector is an important part of the energy consumption, and the needs of this type of consumer are, in most cases, different from any other field of application. That is why NextCity Labs® has created solutions specially adapted to this type of user and environment.

Large scale

Large-scale projects allow optimizing energy generation and minimizing generating costs. This type of project is ideal for feeding energy into the system, distributing it to towns and cities, or for supplying high energy cost infrastructures such as industrial plants.