Corporate Social Responsibility

Principios adaptados a las ciudades inteligentes


NextCity Labs works in the smart city framework and its principles. We want to establish an exemplary business model that contributes not only to the technological change that drives renewable energies, but also to make them accessible to improve people's lives. Our commitment to the environment is one of our foundations, promoting a circular model in which not only technology and energy are sustainable, but also the components and processes of manufacturing, extraction, and collection of raw materials.


That is why our systems use innovative elements and techniques to reduce the environmental impact and we are responsible for removing our equipment once it reaches the end of its useful life to process it in the appropriate manner.


Creemos que una transformación tecnológica debe favorecer además de modelos más sostenibles, iniciativas y acciones más justas y equitativas para todos los estratos sociales. Por ello diseñamos dispositivos que tengan un gran valor añadido y tengan un impacto directo sobre la vida de las personas. Con estos equipos se consigue una maximización de los recursos disponibles, sobre todo en lo relativo al uso energético, donde los productos se puedan alimentan simplemente de energías renovables. Lo cual deriva en la oportunidad de llevar la electricidad a cualquier parte del mundo.
In our company we value curricular talent but above all, effort. We have a multidisciplinary team of professionals from all over the world. Our aim is to extend equal opportunities by valuing the personal effort of each of our employees who contribute to the workplace with different perspectives, helping to build a globalized vision of the company and an opening of opportunities in several continents at the same time.