Public lighting
Public lighting is one of the most important services that cities can offer to their residents. Thanks to LED technology, a great change is being made worldwide in terms of energy efficiency, which allows significant savings for cities to be allocated to other areas of utmost importance for the population.
The lighting of public spaces is essential for the development of life in urbanized environments, since activity does not diminish when daylight fades, but continues, especially in larger urban areas. It is one of the key elements of public safety and provides an environment for mobility, allowing travel no matter what time it is. Energy transformation comes from public lighting, which is one of the main challenges to be addressed from the ecological perspective of smart cities.
Traditional lighting consumes many resources, does not meet the lighting needs in all areas due to poor planning in the past, and requires attention and high maintenance costs due to frequent malfunctions. The transformation advocates for a public lighting model that consumes the least amount of energy, but always guarantees reliable lighting for everyone.
Public lighting has also been the basis for the development of other technologies within the paradigm of smart cities: The sensing of cities and the collection of important information, the IOT (Internet of Things) that allows luminaires to communicate with each other and be programmed remotely for full adaptation of light, and security through the installation of modern cameras are some of these technologies that are supported by street lighting.